
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Sampling.


Maggie on her birthday!
Has it really almost been 3 months since I had this peanut?! Margaret Lee McCloud arrived on March 27 at 8:48pm. 3 weeks before her due date! We were glad she decided to come to the party early though and we would not have changed it for anything. . .The bathroom, on the other hand, was not ready for her to arrive though. The ceiling and door frame are still unfinished but no one is looking at our bathroom ceiling these days anyway so that's alright with me!

For those of you who have not heard, here is what happened on her birthday. . .

I woke up around 6:30 Tuesday morning ready to go back to work. I had taken that Monday off to make sure everything was ready for her arrival (thank goodness I did!) and just to get one last day of rest and relaxation in since I was in the homestretch. When I got to school, I was walking down the hall towards my classroom and all of the sudden, I felt a little trickle. I looked at my coworker and said "either my water broke or I've peed my pants!" Sure enough, my water had broken in the middle of the hallway. I immediately turned around and walked back to my car. My poor students were so confused when they saw Ms. Lucy leaving school right as morning carpool was beginning! Once in my car, I tried calling Lyle. Over and over and over again. The man NEVER answered his phone. So I decided to call my mom instead. Someone needed to know what was going on! Then I called my brother and my mother in law. Finally, I decided it might be a good idea to inform the doctor's office that my baby had decided to come today. I only work about 10 minutes from my house and my house is another five from the hospital so the doctor said it would be OK for me to go get my husband and then come in. (And if it wasn't? Doctor, do you seriously think I am going to the hospital by myself? I don't think so, lady!) As I was getting out of the car in front of my house, the floodgates opened. Apparently, my water had only broken a little bit the first time. Just in case anyone was unsure before. With puddles in my shoes, I open the door and start screaming expletives at Lyle for not answering his phone. The poor guy had not even woken up yet. He thought it was noon and he had slept through his alarm! It took him a good 5 minutes to wake up and fully comprehend the situation at hand. Since we live super close to the hospital, I decided it would be OK to pack my hospital bag (of course it wasn't packed yet) and for Lyle to take a shower. By the time we got to the hospital and situated, it was 9:30am and I was only 2cm dilated. The doctor thought it might have been a false alarm. As in, no, your water didn't really break and no, you don't need to be IVed yet because you might be going home. Umm, no thank you. I might have been a crazy pregnant person but I know that this baby is coming today and no, I will not be leaving here without a baby, but thank you. After convincing everyone my water did indeed, break, I was allowed to stay. They thought that walking around for a few hours might move the process along so we did. I even got special permission to leave the maternity ward since my mom works at the hospital and actually go walk outside. The walking did not work though and I was still only 2cm at noon. They started me on some pitocin and that finally got things moving! I won't get into the nitty gritty but needless to say one epidural (Mankind's greatest invention, BTW. For all those who do it naturally, more power to you. Y'all are beyond crazy!)  and A LOT of pushing later, our baby girl came into this world a little more than 13 hours after my water broke!
Maggie at 12 weeks!
So it only took me 12 weeks to actually start blogging! Here is hoping our lives are even a little bit interesting enough to continue this crazy thing!!