
Friday, October 19, 2012

Strike A Pose!

Maggie's Aunt Katty LOVES to take photos so we scheduled Maggie's 6 month photo shoot with her a few days ago. . . Maggie behaved so well, we got some great shots!

Maggie and Mom
Maggie LOVES the Gracie dog!

Pure joy on Maggie's part . . .Gracie, not so much!

Family shot!

Another one!

Maggie searching for the Gracie dog.

And the meltdown begins!

In other news, when I took Kathryn's memory card to download these photos, I found all these photos. . . Needless to say, Aunt Katty really enjoys putting Maggie inside things!

At least Maggie looks like she is having fun, right? And she really does love her Aunt Katty!

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