
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Have Baby, Will Travel

Much to my mother's chagrin, when Maggie was 6 weeks old we left her (with her grandparents) to go to a wedding in Florida. Not long after that, we left her again for another wedding (with her aunt and uncle this time!) which was local but I was the Maid of Honor and super busy so it was just easier to have someone else watch her. There have been a handful of other times which we gladly let the grandparents and/or aunts and uncles watch her.
When we found out we were pregnant, we knew having a baby would change our life but we definitely did not want to be those parents who hole up in their house, never to be seen again. We wanted to go on living our (moderately) fun lives and when we have the chance to go somewhere fun, we take it. Now that Maggie is a little bit older, it is all the more fun to take her with us! Well this past weekend, Maggie's good buddy, Caroline and her parents invited us to Lake Martin. Since UGA was playing Auburn and we had not seen Caroline since she was 3 weeks old, we decided to go. Matt, Alex, and Caroline all live in Louisville so whenever they come within 3 hours of Atlanta, we just have to see them! Plus, the Erwins are the best and we always have a blast when we get together! 
This is Maggie's third time to a lake in her 7.5 months on earth and it gets more and more fun each time we go. Here are some pictures from the weekend!
"Grandma Amy," Lucy, and Maggie on the boat.

These are pretty much how our family photos look these days!

Lyle was trying to get her to look at the camera!

Maggie and Uncle Matt discussing Cornhole techniques.

Cornhole in the driveway.

Maggie did not want to miss out on the Cornhole action.

Watching the Dawgs kick Auburn's butt!

The neglect-a-saucer is so much fun!
Needless to say, the weekend was a blast and we can't wait to see the all the Erwins again!

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